So it was with a bit of trepidation that I set about caring for my Mommy's day gifts. I was vigilant in keeping them watered, even adding some gorgeous self-watering globes
About a week ago, my no-longer beautiful hanging flower baskets were suddenly, overnight, in fact, full and beautiful again. What brought about this miraculous recovery? I deadheaded. Deadheading is the process of removing withering blooms from a flowering plant so it will produce more flowers. You see, the purpose of flowers is to attract pollinators so that the plant can produce seeds. Once a flower has been pollinated, the plant diverts its resources into producing seeds, rather than producing more flowers, and without blooms a flowering basket just looks sad.
Oh, I had been deadheading, dutifully removing the spent blooms 2 or 3 times a week (I had a schedule for that, too), but I wasn't doing it correctly. I was taking off the dead flowers, but leaving the portion of the flower where the seeds are formed. I needed to cut deeper.
You know, sometimes we need a little spiritual deadheading.
Jesus said, "He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and He prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more" (John 15:2 NLT).
What needs deadheading in your life? What is diverting your spiritual energy so that you're not blooming? What's looking scraggly and sick? Maybe it's a bad habit or uncontrollable thoughts. The Master Gardener prunes; He knows exactly what to do, how deep to cut, to produce growth. All we need to do is to invite Him in to deadhead our lives...and to marvel in the beauty God generates in the process.
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