Monday, August 28, 2017

Menu plan for the week of September -4

Y'all.  I realized something last week.

I think it's September.

You know how sometimes you go through a whole day thinking it's a different day than it is? If you don't, please don't tell me.  I need to think I'm not the only crazy one.  Well, I've been going through weeks of thinking it's a different month than it is.  Someone will tell me something is happening in September, and I'll think to myself, well, that's just a few days from now.  Even if it's something that is happening September 15.  September 15 is any day now, because it's been September for two and a half weeks.

And yes, I know that if it's been September for two and half weeks, it is at least September 17, which is two days after September 15, but since whoever is telling me the thing is speaking about it in the future, it can't have happened yet.

I'm serious, y'all.  I keep thinking September is almost over and anything that is happening in September is happening within 2 days from now.  This is going to be the longest September ever.

The reason, of course, is because in the state which the Bluefield family currently calls home, schools have to get special permission to begin before September 1.  There's a law.  Which our school system, of course, did.  But the fact remains: the kiddos have never started school in August (except for one kid, one year).  That's right, folks, every school year, for the past 12 years, except this one, has begun in September.

(omygosh, y'all, I just checked the website for the school AKD attended for the first half of kindergarten to see when they started this year (September -11, or as you all probably refer to it, August 21), and there's a blurb on the website about their asbestos management plan!  Yikes!  They also publish their bus schedules online, with addresses.  Yup, sex offenders, here's where the kids will be and what time)

Anyway, I think it's September.  In four days I will be right.  On to the menu.


I had an "other" breakdown this week, because the grocery store with the sale on chicken was out of stock when I got there (and I didn't bother to go back), and I opened up my bean storage bin to find that I didn't have any dry pinto beans.  I didn't make the yogurt because I was specifically making it for the avocado chicken salad, which I couldn't make because we have no chicken.  And...I just realized I'm not going to be able to make Chicken Broccoli Braid on Monday... 

So, although I did make Zucchini Chocolate Chip Cookies and Zucchini Chocolate Chip Muffins, I did not make any of the things that were actually on my "other" list last week.  I'm making a trip to the warehouse store early in the week, and hopefully we'll be back in business.  

Let's try this again.


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