You can read the whole checklist here (pages 11 & 12), but let me just give you a sampling of items from the list:
And therein lies the problem, my friends. Everything is most certainly not in its place at any given moment. How could it be? We live here. And while I do have that handy-dandy mess-seeing power, there are four of them and only one of me. My putting-away-ing is not able to keep pace with the pulling-out-losing-interest-and-leaving-it-where-it-lies-ing (which I have to admit, I do a fair amount of, myself).
I can laugh about it now, but as AKD was reading down the list, with each one of the questions that had to be answered to the negative, my self-esteem took a blow. By the time we were done I was feeling completely inadequate and emotionally drained: like I could do nothing right. These are basic safety requirements. That I am not meeting. Ergo, I am failing my family. It's a wonder we're not all in the emergency room right now.
This happens every time I try to measure up against some outside standard. Every time. I look around and everyone is so much better at just about everything than I am. And they have nicer stuff, too.
And that's the problem, friends. I shouldn't be looking around, I should be looking up. Up to the One who made me, just the way I am, imperfect on purpose. Up to the One who loves me and redeems me. Up to the One who deems me righteous. God's standard is the only standard by which you or I can be judged. And God has judged me...and you...worthy.
For our sake [God] made him to be sin who knew no sin,
so that in [Christ Jesus] we might become the righteousness of God.
2 Corinthians 5:21